Professor at the Durham University Department of Psychology. I study human perception and action using perceptual and visuomotor tasks, sometimes in immersive virtual reality. A major interest is understanding how perceptual-motor computations change during development and learning by comparing performance with quantitative models. A major current research programme is on learning perception with new sensory signals. Before coming to Durham I completed my undergraduate and PhD degrees at Oxford and UCL, was a post-doc at Oxford, UCL, and Birkbeck, and a Principal Investigator at UCL (CV / resume)
Selected publications
Jones PR, Landin L, McLean A, Juni M, Maloney LT, Nardini M, Dekker, TM (2019) Efficient visual information sampling develops late in childhood. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 148(7), 1138-52 [PDF]
Negen J, Wen L, Thaler L, Nardini M (2018). Bayes-Like Integration of a New Sensory Skill with Vision. Scientific Reports 8:16880 [PDF]
Dekker TM, Ban H, Van der Velde B, Sereno MI, Welchman A, Nardini, M (2015). Late development of cue integration is linked to sensory fusion in cortex. Current Biology 25(21): 2856-2861 [PDF]
Nardini M, Bedford R, Mareschal D (2010). Fusion of visual cues is not mandatory in children. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 107(39), 17041-17046. [PDF]
Nardini M, Jones P, Bedford R, Braddick O (2008). Development of cue integration in human navigation. Current Biology, 18, 689-693. [PDF]
Selected funding
2019–2024 NewSense: Perception with new sensory signals. ERC (PI)
2017–2020 Learning to perceive and act under uncertainty. Leverhulme (PI)
2016–2019 Learning cue combination. ESRC (PI)
2010–2016 Scholar Award. James S. McDonnell Foundation (PI)
2011–2014 Economics of perceptual and motor decisions in childhood. ESRC (PI)
2011–2014 Quick and reliable ways to measure vision in children with inherited sight loss. Fight For Sight (PI)
2008–2011 Learning to combine sense and experience for optimal perceptual judgements. ESRC (co-I)
2007–2008 Young children’s use of visual landmarks: view matching or cognitive mapping? ESRC (co-I)
2006–2007 Perception/action interactions in children’s spatial representations. ESRC (co-I).